After the excitement of getting your invite in the mail, so many reply almost immediately! How exciting right? So you open up your self-addressed (and stamped) envelope to check out the RSVP. Uh-Oh! They forgot to write their name, so you know that 2 people are coming, but you have no idea who they are! Want an easy fix for this? Here's my easy, inexpensive, and best of all invisible solution.
1)I suggest that you head to a craft store and pick up a pack of Crayola Changeables markers.
2) Print out a copy of your invite list and start numbering them. (1, 2, 3...) You can also just save the numbers on your spreadsheet where you'll be keeping track of the RSVPs!
3) On the back of the response cards, use the clear, color-changing marker to number it, corresponding to the number on your invite list. Write the number in the same place on every card so you'll remember where to look for the invisible ink!4) Send the invites and stalk the mailbox!
5) If you happen to get an RSVP where the guest forgot to write their name, turn the card over and use one of the Changeable colored markers to highlight that area. You'll see the number in a matter of seconds, and you'll be able to look them up on the list!

Voila! No last minute phone calls or looking through old letters or cards to determine who's handwriting it is!
1)I suggest that you head to a craft store and pick up a pack of Crayola Changeables markers.

3) On the back of the response cards, use the clear, color-changing marker to number it, corresponding to the number on your invite list. Write the number in the same place on every card so you'll remember where to look for the invisible ink!4) Send the invites and stalk the mailbox!
5) If you happen to get an RSVP where the guest forgot to write their name, turn the card over and use one of the Changeable colored markers to highlight that area. You'll see the number in a matter of seconds, and you'll be able to look them up on the list!

Voila! No last minute phone calls or looking through old letters or cards to determine who's handwriting it is!

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